
Previewing survey emails sent to employees

This article applies to all users in the PI2 platform

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Want to preview Diagnose’s survey emails before you schedule a survey? In this article, we’ll share sample scenarios (and screenshots) for the different emails your employees will receive.

Note: Survey emails only apply to surveys distributed via data import. If you’re sharing a survey via a quick link, your employees will not receive any emails from Diagnose.

What survey emails are sent by Diagnose?

Diagnose sends up to 2 emails per survey:

  • A survey launch email
  • A survey reminder email (PI Employee Experience Survey only)

The survey launch email is sent on the date your survey begins. Here is an example:

The survey reminder email, meanwhile, is sent on a predetermined date between your survey start and survey end dates. Here is an example:

Note: Employees do not receive an email when the survey has closed. They also do not receive a confirmation email after they complete a survey.

Can I schedule when these emails are sent?

Yes! After importing your data, you will be prompted to schedule your survey. Here, you will set up to 3 dates:

  • Your Survey start date (triggers the survey launch email)
  • A Reminder email date (triggers the survey reminder email)
  • Your Survey end date (no email triggered)

Note: The Reminder email date only applies to the PI Employee Experience Survey. If you’re sending a shorter “pulse survey” (e.g., Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), you’ll only be prompted to enter a start date and an end date.


Is it possible to customize the email copy and/or subject lines?
It is not currently possible to customize Diagnose survey emails.
Will I receive any emails from Diagnose?
Yes. As the survey sender, you will receive four different emails:

1. A confirmation email (triggered once you schedule your survey)

2. A survey launch email (triggered once the survey goes live)

3. A halfway email (triggered at the halfway mark between your start and end dates)

4. A completion email (triggered once the survey is closed)

Note: These emails only apply to the PI Employee Experience Survey. If you send a pulse survey, you will not receive any emails.
What’s included in the those 4 emails that I’ll receive?
The confirmation email will equip you with some additional email templates, in case you’d like to send supplemental emails to your leadership team or employee base.

The survey launch email will signal that your survey is live. It will also point you to the Analyze tab in Diagnose, so you can start reviewing data as responses come in.

The halfway email will signal the halfway point for your survey. It will also share the current participation rate, and remind you how many days are left until your survey closes.

The completion email will signal the close of the survey. It will also disclose the final participation rate, and share resources on how to interpret and deliver the results.

Note: These emails only apply to the PI Employee Experience Survey. If you send a pulse survey, you will not receive any emails.

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