
Sending a survey

PI Diagnose gives you several ways to send a created survey out to your organization or team. 

Survey distribution methods

You can distribute a survey in one of two ways:

Importing your data

Importing your data lets you track and monitor long-term engagement trends across your entire employee base. 

This is done by uploading a spreadsheet containing organizational information to our server, so that we can anonymously and confidentially track your workforce’s engagement data over time.

Creating a quick link generates a universal link for a specific survey, so you can then share that link with your employees.

How to send your survey 

  1. Select Diagnose from the top navigation bar.
  1. From the Survey Center, select the survey you wish to send.
  1. Select the Distribute tab.
  1. Select your distribution method.
  1. Follow the instructions for your specific sending method:

Additional resources

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