Behavioral Targets

Choosing a PI benchmark

PI Hire contains a database of thousands of real-world jobs. Each of these jobs has a preset Behavioral Target that matches the characteristics people in this role usually have.

When you create a Job and input a job title, our software will search through the database and list any close matches.

How to choose a benchmark

If you’re creating a new Job

  1. From the Hiring Center, select the Create New Job button.
  2. Enter the job title, then click Continue.
  3. On the left-hand side, select Choose a PI benchmark. 
  4. Select a benchmark from the list.
  5. Select Save & Continue.
  6. Your Job will be created, and your Behavioral Target will populate based on the PI benchmark.

If you’re editing an existing Job

  1. Select a Job from the Hiring Center. 
  2. On the left-hand side, select Choose a PI benchmark. 
  3. Select a benchmark from the list.
  4. Select Save & Continue.
  5. Your Behavioral Target will populate based on the PI benchmark.

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