
Inviting teammates to Perform

To get the most out of PI Perform, you’ll want to invite teammates into the software. Doing so will allow you to create 1:1 workspaces, collaborate on upcoming meeting agendas, and more.

Learn how to invite teammates (or accept an invitation) in this article.

How to invite a teammate to PI Perform

  1. Log in to Perform.
  2. Click the “Invite Teammates” button on the left-hand side.
  1. Enter the business email of the colleague you’d like to add.
  2. (Optional) Enter the person’s name.
  3. (Optional) Click “Add another” to repeat the process.
  4. Confirm by selecting “Create Workspace.”
  1. Your teammate(s) will receive an email inviting them to join you in Perform.
  2. The software will automatically generate individual 1:1 workspaces between you and each person you invited.

How to accept a Perform invitation

Recently got invited to Perform? Here’s how to accept your invitation:

  1. Check your inbox for an email from noreply@predictiveindex.com.
  2. Click “Join your team.”
  1. You’ll be prompted to sign up for a Perform account.
  2. Enter your first and last name.
  3. Confirm by clicking “Sign up with email.”
  1. You’ll see a message saying we’ve sent you a follow-up email.
  1. Check your inbox for an email titled “Confirm your PI Perform Account.”
  2. Click “Confirm your access.”
  1. You’ll be brought to the PI login screen.

The following depends on whether or not you have an existing PI account.

If you don’t have an existing account:

  1. Set a password for your PI account and log in.

If you do have an existing account:

  1. Log in with your PI credentials.
  1. Once logged in, you will be prompted to confirm whether you’re a manager or an individual contributor.

Note: Selecting “Manager” will grant you access to manager-specific features, such as the ability to kick off 360 feedback or leverage the Manager Assistant.

  1. Next, you’ll be presented with a brief “Getting started” guide.
  1. You’ll also receive an email with additional tips and guidance to help you make the most of PI Perform.
  1. That’s it! You’re free to explore PI Perform and start collaborating with your peers.

Additional support

Do you still need support? Contact us here.

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