Make sure you’re using the support site that corresponds with your version of the PI software.
To find the right support for your PI software version:
- Log in to The Predictive Index.
- Click the PI logo (
) in the top-left corner.
- Note the colors and layout at the top of the page.
If you see a purple navigation bar and background, followed by the words “Welcome back,” you are using the latest version of our software. Click here for support articles.

If you see a white navigation bar and grey background, followed by the words “Send Behavioral Assessment To Employees,” you are using a legacy version of our software. Click here for support articles.

I’m having technical issues with my software. What should I do?
For software questions or troubleshooting support, please reach out to our support team.
Our organization would like to use the latest PI software version. How?
For more information on the latest PI software, please reach out to your PI consultant.
Not finding the article you need? Spot a typo inaccuracy? Let us know.
Having technical issues with your software? Contact us here.