Employee management

Viewing your employee list

This article applies to all users in the PI2 platform

PI2 is the latest version of the Predictive Index software.
If you are using a legacy version of PI, this article will
likely not match your experience.
Which product version do I have?

The Employees screen includes an employee list, which lets you view, sort, and filter various information about your co-workers.

How is my employee list calculated?

A person is added to the employee list once one of the following occurs:

An employee is only added to the list if the email they use to create an account or take the Behavioral Assessment matches an organization domain associated with your company.

Where can I view my current employee count?

You can see the total count of employees in Inspire via the bottom left of the Employees tab. 

You can also filter the count based on Inspire access or Behavioral Assessment completion. Click the relevant filter, and the number in the bottom left will update accordingly.

Note: Only employees with completed BAs count toward your PI subscription.

How do I search for a specific employee?

To search for an employee:

  1. Enter the person’s name or email in the search bar in the top-left corner.
  2. Find their information from the list that generates.

Clicking the person’s name will bring you to their Snapshot page.

Additional FAQs

What information can I see from my employee list?
Your employee list includes the following information about each employee:

– The name and email associated with their PI account
– Their manager’s name (if applicable)
– Their Reference Profile

Note: If you’re an admin, you’ll also be able to see whether an employee has joined and gained access to Inspire.
I can’t find another PI user on the employee list. Why?
It’s possible to have PI users at your organization who aren’t visible in Inspire. 

For example, if someone at your company uses PI Hire, but has never taken the Behavioral Assessment or signed up for Inspire, they won’t appear on the list.

You can solve this by inviting them to Inspire.
Why can’t I see “X” person’s Reference Profile?
The person in question needs to complete the PI Behavioral Assessment before their Reference Profile will populate.

If they have trouble finding the Behavioral Assessment invite, they should search their inbox for an email from noreply@mailer.predictiveindex.com. Alternatively, you can resend their Inspire invitation.
Do all people on the employee list have Inspire access?
Not necessarily. Here are some common reasons why someone might not have access:

1. They completed the PI Behavioral Assessment but weren’t invited to join Inspire.

2. They were previously invited to Inspire but have since been archived.

To verify whether an employee has Inspire access, refer to the “Inspire access” column within the Employees tab.

Note: You must be an admin to view employees’ Inspire access.

Additional support

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