
Inviting a co-worker

Inviting a co-worker is the first step in unlocking relationship insights within PI Inspire.

How to invite a co-worker to Inspire

  1. Log in to PI Inspire.
  2. From the Inspire homepage, click the “Invite a co-worker” button.
  3. Enter the email address of the user you’d like to invite.
  4. (Optional) Add the person’s manager from the dropdown.
  5. (Optional) Select “Add another co-worker” to invite additional co-workers.
  6. Click Send invitation(s).

Note: Want to send invites faster? You can do so by sending bulk invitations.


How do I remove a co-worker from Inspire?
While you cannot outright delete an employee and their data, you can remove their software access.
Is there any limit on the number of co-workers I can invite?
There is no limit on co-workers you can invite to Inspire. However, if you exceed your Inspire user cap, you will need to upgrade your Inspire subscription once your existing one lapses.

Additional support

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