
Giving and receiving Kudos

Looking to give a colleague some public praise? The Kudos feature lets you celebrate wins—big or small—in 3 easy steps.

How to give Kudos

1. Select the team member (or multiple team members from a group workspace).

2. Write or record your message. We encourage the fun of celebrating, so we recommend choosing an optional gif from the search menu.

3. Select how publicly to share this. We know the value kudos have in building a positive work culture, so we recommend sharing these to a channel in Slack or MS Teams (more on this in the links). You can also choose to keep it visible to everyone on PI Perform or even private to a workspace.

The kudos will appear on both the sender’s and recipient’s profile and coaching pages. It will also appear in the appropriate workspace, allowing teammates to react and comment.

Additional support

  • Setting Goals and OKRs
  • What is Meeting Mode?
  • Kicking off 360 feedback
  • Customize coaching & feedback for your team’s performance culture

Do you still need support? Contact us here.

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