
Giving and receiving kudos

Looking to give a colleague or group some praise? The kudos feature lets you celebrate wins—both big and small—either publically or privately.

How to give kudos

There are two ways to give kudos: 1:1 kudos, or group kudos.

To give kudos to a teammate:

  1. Log in to Perform.
  2. Select “Give Kudos” from the top navigation bar.
  1. Select a teammate from the dropdown options, then click “Continue.”
  1. Leave your compliment! You can write a message or click “Record a Video” to share a video message.
  2. (Optional) Search and select a GIF to accompany your message.
  1. Select whether to make your message public or private.
  1. (Optional) Share a copy of your message to a Slack or Microsoft Teams channel. (Note: You must have a Slack or Teams connection enabled to do this.)
  1. Confirm by clicking “Give Kudos.”

Your kudos will appear on both the sender’s and recipient’s profile and feedback pages, as well as in any applicable workspaces or Slack/Teams channels.

To give kudos to a group:

  1. Log in to Perform.
  2. Select a group workspace from the left-hand side.
  1. Click on the Kudos tab within that workspace.
  1. Click the “Give Kudos” button.
  1. Select who you’d like to give kudos to. (Everyone in the workspace will see the kudos, but the message will be directed at the ones you specify.)
  1. Leave your compliment! You can write a message or click “Record a Video” to share a video message.
  2. (Optional) Search and select a GIF to accompany your message.
  1. Select whether to make your message public or private.
  2. (Optional) Share a copy of your message to a Slack or Microsoft Teams channel. (Note: You must have a Slack or Teams connection enabled to do this.)

Your kudos will appear on both the sender’s and recipients’ profile and feedback pages, as well as in any applicable workspaces or Slack/Teams channels.

Additional support

Do you still need support? Contact us here.

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