Perform’s calendar integration lets you pull existing meetings from your calendar and create workspaces in a few easy steps.
How to connect your calendar to Perform
- Log in to Perform.
- Click “Settings” on the left-hand side.
- Select “Integrations” from the options.
- You’ll land on the integrations page (linked here).
- Click “Connect” next to your preferred calendar (either Google or Office 365).
- You will be brought to your respective calendar sign-in page.
- Sign in, then confirm the integration.
- You will be brought back to Perform.
- Here, you’ll be prompted to do each of the following:
- (Optional) Link existing workspaces to calendar meetings.
- (Optional) Create new 1:1 workspaces from calendar events.
- (Optional) Create new group workspaces from calendar events.
- After, you will be presented with a success message to confirm the connection.
Tips for using the calendar integration
Perform’s calendar integration helps you get started with the software quickly, but there are also ongoing benefits to the calendar integration:
- Get reminders to prepare for upcoming meetings and other helpful notifications across email, Slack, Teams, and Perform. These notifications will be tailored based on your day-to-day schedule.
- Click into a calendar event, and easily visit the related workspace or launch a video conference. (You can also launch a video conference directly from Perform.)
Note: At this time, the video conferencing functionality is only compatible with Zoom. To request another video conferencing solution integration, please share your feedback.
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