Microsoft Teams

How do I install Perform’s integration for Microsoft Teams?

This article applies to all users in the PI2 platform

PI2 is the latest version of the Predictive Index software.
If you are using a legacy version of PI, this article will
likely not match your experience.
Which product version do I have?

Perform’s integration with Microsoft Teams can be installed individually or for your entire team. Here’s how.

How to install Perform for your team

  1. Go to this Teams URL to see our app.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow next to the app button (as shown below).
  1. Click “Add to a team” from the dropdown.
  2. Our PI Perform bot will post a welcome message to the team.

How to install Perform to your personal account

  1. Go to this Teams URL to see our app.
  2. Click the “Add” button on the screen that pops up.
  1. You will receive a welcome message from our PI Perform bot.
  2. The message will prompt you to either create a Perform account or link your existing account.
  3. Follow either prompt to finish installing the integration.

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