Meeting history

Viewing meeting history and completed items

This article applies to all users in the PI2 platform

PI2 is the latest version of the Predictive Index software.
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How can I see what was covered in previous meetings? What happens when an item is completed? Where do those completed items go?

Every workspace has its own “History” tab. Within this tab, you can view two different summaries:

  • Meeting Notes: View a summary of agendas and topics from previous meetings.
  • Completed Items: View a summary of completed action items from previous meetings.

Note: Want to have a topic or task automatically recur every meeting? Learn how to revisit topics.

How meeting notes work

Meeting notes provide a snapshot of the agenda from any previous meeting in that workspace.

By default, you’ll see the most recent agenda and notes. To view other meeting summaries, we have a calendar view where a little dot on each past date indicates another summary is saved:

Perform creates these snapshots automatically at the conclusion of Meeting Mode. We will also create one each Friday if there are no others from that week.

How completed items work

The “Completed Items” view is a more refined list showing all past discussion topics and action items that were marked as complete.

Within the History tab of a workspace:

We keep a rolling 14 days of completed history for free accounts, and unlimited for subscriptions.

Tip: You can use the quick search in the far upper left of the screen to locate keywords across ALL your workspaces, including comments. This can be an easy way to find something that came up in any past meeting.

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