Access levels

What is an organization admin?

This article applies to organization admins in the PI2 platform

PI2 is the latest version of the Predictive Index software.
If you are using a legacy version of PI, this article will
likely not match your experience.
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Organization admin is the highest access level available within the Predictive Index platform.

Organization admin permissions

Organization admin has admin-level permissions across all PI products, as well as the following exclusive privileges:

Org adminProduct adminFull*Limited
Configure organization settings
Manage billing details
Promote or demote admins (and other org admins)
Change any admin’s ability to activate premium PI features (e.g., redeem credits, activate teams, invite co-workers)
(PI Hire only) Be promoted to cognitive admin**
(PI Hire only) Promote or demote other cognitive admins

*Full access has been phased out of PI Hire and PI Inspire

**Cognitive admins can view and send cognitive data. They can also grant cognitive access to any employee in Hire.

Who is my organization admin?

Organization admin is assigned to the first user in your company (based on email domain) to create a software account and verify their login email. This status is assigned automatically and allows for unrestricted access to the software and user access levels.

Note: Only an existing organization admin can promote or demote other org admins.

How to promote an organization admin

  1. Log in to the PI software
  2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 
  3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.
  4. Search the name or email of the user whose access level you’d like to change.
  5. Select the user’s name.
  6. This will bring you to a screen titled Edit employee details.
  7. Within the Admin permissions section, select the checkbox “Make organization admin.”
  8. (Optional) Select the checkbox “Make cognitive admin.”
  9. Select Save changes.

How to demote an organization admin

  1. Follow steps 1 through 6 from the section above.
  2. Within the  Admin permissions section, de-select the checkbox “Make organization admin.”
  3. Select Save changes.

Note: When an organization admin is demoted, their permissions will revert to their product-specific access levels.

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