User management

Transferring ownership

This article applies to organization admins and third-party users in the PI2 platform

PI2 is the latest version of the Predictive Index software.
If you are using a legacy version of PI, this article will
likely not match your experience.
Which product version do I have?

Any organization admin can transfer items (i.e., jobs and teams) from one PI user to another.

How to transfer items

  1. Log in to the PI software
  2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 
  3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.
  4. Search for the name or email of the employee with items to transfer.
  5. Click the dots icon () to the right of the person’s information.
  6. Select “Transfer items” from the dropdown options.
  7. A menu titled “Transfer items” will open.
  8. Enter the name(s) or email(s) of the person(s) to whom you’re transferring ownership.
  9. Click Transfer items.

Note: The Administration page only allows you to transfer items in bulk.


How do I transfer individual items to different people?
The Administration page only allows you to transfer items in bulk. To transfer individual items, do so from the “share” panel within PI Hire or PI Design.

– PI Hire: Transfer a job
– PI Design: Transfer a team
I’d like to remove the employee I’m transferring items away from. How?
To remove an employee from your directory, you can archive that employee.

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