The “Explore Other Jobs” feature takes an employee’s behavioral data and recommends open jobs in Hire for which they are a potential match.
Use this tool to help your own career pathing, or use it with a direct report to kickstart a development conversation.
Who can access Explore Other Jobs?
To access Explore other jobs, you must have the following:
- An active Hire subscription
- An active Inspire subscription
- Software access to both the Hire and Inspire
If your company is subscribed to both products, but you don’t have access to view jobs in Hire or employees in Inspire, you won’t be able to leverage this feature. Learn how to request access to these products.
How to access Explore Other Jobs
- Log in to PI Inspire.
- You’ll land on the Inspire home page.
- Enter the employee’s name into the search bar.

- Select the intended name from the option(s) that populate.

- Click the Development tab.

- On the left-hand side, look for the section titled “Coaching [Employee Name].”
- Select “Explore Other Jobs.”

- You will land on that person’s “Explore Other Jobs” page.

I don’t see an Explore Other Jobs option. Why?
There are a few common reasons why you might not see Explore Other Jobs:
1. You don’t have access to view jobs in Hire. (To get access, ask to be granted admin access to Hire, or ask someone with access to relevant jobs to share those jobs with you.)
2. Your organization isn’t subscribed to both PI Hire and PI Inspire. (Learn how to upgrade your PI subscription.)
1. You don’t have access to view jobs in Hire. (To get access, ask to be granted admin access to Hire, or ask someone with access to relevant jobs to share those jobs with you.)
2. Your organization isn’t subscribed to both PI Hire and PI Inspire. (Learn how to upgrade your PI subscription.)
I don’t see “X” job on the list. Why?
You must have view or edit access to a job in Hire to see it in Explore Other Jobs.
I have access to a job in Hire but still don’t see it in Inspire. Why?
The Explore Other Jobs feature only lists your 200 most recent jobs. That said, you can search for any job in Hire using the search bar.
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