Employee management

Managing employees and sending assessments

This article applies to all users in the PI2 platform

PI2 is the latest version of the Predictive Index software.
If you are using a legacy version of PI, this article will
likely not match your experience.
Which product version do I have?

Using a legacy version of PI?Click here for support

The Manage Employees tab lets you view your employee list, send assessments, invite co-workers into Inspire, and manage employee information.

How to send assessments in Inspire

  1. Log in to the PI software.
  2. Select Inspire from the top navigation bar.
  1. From the Inspire homepage, select the Manage Employees tab.
  1. Click the “Send Assessment” button in the top-right corner.
  1. Enter the email address and name of the employee you’d like to assess.
  1. (Optional) Add the person’s manager from the dropdown options.
  2. (Optional) Choose to auto-send the Behavioral Report to the assessment taker upon completion.
  1. Click “Send Assessment.”

The employee will be sent the following email inviting them to take the assessment.

Note: Want to send assessments faster? You can do so by uploading an org file in Administration.

How to invite employees into Inspire

Sending an assessment to an employee does not grant them access to view their Inspire data.

To grant them access to Inspire, you’ll want to invite that person into the software.

From the Manage Employees page:

  1. Search for the person’s name or email.
  1. Click “Send invite” under the Inspire Access header.

The employee will be sent the following email inviting them to join you in Inspire.

Note: Want to send software invites faster? You can do so by uploading an org file in Administration.


Sending assessments

Are there any notifications tied to employee assessment completion?
Yes. By default, any person who sends the PI Behavioral Assessment to a co-worker will receive a notification once that colleague has completed the assessment.
Is it possible to modify these assessment notifications?
No, not currently. That said, we are exploring the ability to modify employee assessment notifications. We’ll have more details to share in the future.
Does sending the Behavioral Assessment grant access to the Inspire software?
No. Sending an assessment to an employee does not grant them access to Inspire.

To grant them access to Inspire, you’ll want to invite that person into the software. (See: How do I invite an employee into Inspire?)

Inviting employees to use Inspire

How do I invite an employee into Inspire?
There are two ways to invite employees into Inspire:

1. Admins can invite them from the Administration page. (Individual or bulk invites)

2. Inspire users can invite them from the Manage Employees page. (Individual invites only)
I don’t see an option to “Send invite.” Why?
The ability to send software invitations is a permission that must first be enabled by an Inspire admin or organization admin.

To enable this permission, share the following instructions with an admin:

1. Log in to the PI platform.

2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar.

3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.

4. Search for the name or email of the person whose Inspire permissions you’d like to change.

5. Click on the person’s name.

6. You will land on a page titled Edit User Record.

7. Under User Product Access, select the checkbox next to “Can invite co-workers.”

8. Click Save Changes.
How do I resend a software invitation?
Admins can resend invitations from the Administration page.

To do so:

1. Log in to PI Inspire.

2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar.

3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.

4. Search for the name or email of the person you’d like to reinvite to Inspire.

5. Click the ellipsis icon () on the right-hand side.

6. Select Resend invitation from the options.

7. A new invitation email will be sent to the person’s inbox.
Is there a limit on the number of Inspire users I can invite to the software?
The answer depends on whether you’ve signed up for a timed trial or a paid subscription.

Timed trial: There is no limit on the number of Inspire users your organization can have. 

Paid subscription: If you add more Inspire users than your subscription supports, you’ll be prompted to upgrade once your current subscription lapses.

Inspire software access

How do I change someone’s Inspire access?
1. Log in to PI Inspire.

2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar.

3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.

4. Search for the name or email of the person whose access you’d like to change.

5. Click on the person’s name.

6. You will land on a page titled Edit User Record.

7. Under User Product Access, select the desired access level for Inspire.

8. (Optional) Select/deselect the checkbox next to “Can invite co-workers.”

9. Click Save Changes.

User management

How do I remove a co-worker from Inspire?
To remove a co-worker from Inspire, you can archive that employee. Doing so will revoke their software access and retire their data from Inspire.

Note: If you wish to keep a co-worker’s Inspire data but prevent them from accessing the Inspire software, we recommend you instead set their access level to “no access.”

Additional support

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