Relationship insights

Viewing relationship insights

This article applies to all users in the PI2 platform

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Once a co-worker has been invited to Inspire and completes the PI Behavioral Assessment, you’ll be able to view their Snapshot and various relationship insights.

How to view your relationship with a co-worker

  1. Log in to PI Inspire.
  2. You’ll land on the Inspire homepage.
  3. Find the person’s name using the search bar.
  4. Select the intended name from the option(s) that populate.
  5. You’ll be brought to that person’s Snapshot page.
  6. Select the Relationship tab near the top of the page.

What relationship insights can I view?

Your co-worker’s Relationship tab includes the following relationship insights:

  • Their Reference Profile and Behavioral Pattern
  • Your Reference Profile and Behavioral Pattern
  • An overlay of both your Behavioral Patterns
  • A summary of your relationship strengths and caution areas
  • Relationship tips to work better together


Why can’t I find a co-worker with the search bar?
If a person doesn’t show up in search, here’s how to troubleshoot:

1. Make sure they’ve been invited to join Inspire.

2. Confirm they’ve completed the PI Behavioral Assessment.

3. Verify that they’ve logged into Inspire and reached the home screen.
I’m this person’s manager. Where can I find management tips?
You’ll find management tips on the Development tab of this person’s page.

PI Basics

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