Access levels

Understanding access levels

This article applies to all users.

Access levels determine what actions you can perform within each product of the Predictive Index platform. 

User access levels can be viewed and managed via the gear icon () in the top-right of your navigation bar.


What are the different access levels?

Users can be assigned one of five access levels:

  • No access: Unable to view or interact with the specified product
  • Limited: Restricted in what they can see and do within the specified product
  • Full: Generally unrestricted in what they can see and do within the specified product
  • Product admin: Unrestricted access to the specified product; can modify user access levels within that product
  • Organization admin: Unrestricted access to all products; can promote/demote any user, including product admins and other org admins; can access and modify organization settings.

Access levels are set on a per-product basis. For example: If you’re subscribed to PI Hire and PI Design, it’s possible to be a product admin in Hire and a limited user in Design.

Exception: The organization admin is a special-case permission that grants full access to all PI products. An organization admin can only be promoted by an existing org admin.

Unsure how to use access levels? Check out our recommended access levels based on employee roles and responsibilities.

What are the default access levels for new users?

Here’s how access levels work by default:

  • The first user at your company to sign up for PI (and confirm their email) becomes an organization admin.
  • Any subsequent users will receive limited access by default.

How to modify access levels

  1. Log in to the PI software.
  2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 
  3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.
  4. Click “Employee Access Settings” on the left-hand side.
  5. Search the name(s) or email(s) of the employee(s) whose access levels you’d like to change.
  6. Select the checkbox next to each employee’s name.
  7. Click the dropdown box titled “Actions.”
  8. Select the PI product for which you’d like to modify access.
  9. A peek panel will open titled “Change [product name] access.”
  10. Click the dropdown box and select the desired access level.
  11. Confirm by clicking “Save changes.”

To enable an organization admin:

  1. Follow steps 1 through 4 from the directions above.
  2. Search the name or email of the employee you’d like to make an organization admin.
  3. Click on the person’s name.
  4. You’ll land on a page titled “Edit employee details.”
  5. Scroll down to the section titled “Admin permissions.”
  6. Click the checkbox titled “Make organization admin.”
  7. (Optional) Click the checkbox titled “Make cognitive admin.”
  8. Confirm by clicking “Save changes.”

Access levels overview

Below, you’ll find a breakdown of user permissions in Administration and the various PI products.

Please note: Some PI products have additional permissions specific to that product.

  • “Cognitive admins” are specific to Hire.
  • “Full” permissions are specific to Design and Diagnose. (We will be phasing out this permission level in the future.)

Administration – Employee Directory

Org adminProduct adminFull* LimitedNo access
Access to the “Employee directory”
Invite employees into the software**
Reinvite existing employees
Modify a non-admin’s access levels✅***
Modify a non-admin’s ability to activate premium PI features
(e.g., activate candidates, activate teams, invite co-workers)
Edit employee details (e.g., name, email address, job title)
Archive employees
Anonymize employee records

*Full permissions are specific to Design and Diagnose.

**Full and limited users can invite employees into the software by sharing a job or sharing a team.

***Product admins can only modify these permissions within their specific PI product.

Administration – Employee Access Settings

Org adminProduct adminFullLimitedNo access
Access to “Employee access settings”✅*
Enable/disable third-party user access
Modify an admin’s access level
Modify an admin’s ability to activate premium PI features
(e.g., redeem credits, activate teams, invite co-workers)
Modify your own access level

*Product admins can only modify access levels within their specific PI product.

PI Hire

Cog admin*Org adminProduct
LimitedNo access
Create a new job⛔**
Send assessments to candidates
Reveal candidate insights⛔**
View all jobs and candidates
Edit or share all jobs
View a job you have View access to 
Edit a job you have Edit access to
Share a job that has been shared with you
Be promoted to cognitive adminN/A
Promote or demote cognitive admins

*Cognitive admins can view and send cognitive data. They can also grant cognitive access to any employee in Hire.

**This is a default setting. Admins can toggle this permission from the Edit employee details screen.

PI Inspire

Org adminProduct adminLimitedNo access
View all co-workers
Send assessments to co-workers
Invite co-workers into the software✅*

*This is a default setting. Admins can toggle this permission from the Edit employee details screen.

PI Design

Org adminProduct adminFullLimitedNo access
Create a new team
Edit a team you’ve created
Invite team members into the software
Reveal your Team Type✅*✅*
View all teams
Edit or share all teams
View a team you have View access to
Edit a team you have Edit access to
Share a team that has been shared with you

*This is a default setting. Admins can toggle this permission from the Edit employee details screen.

PI Diagnose

Org adminProduct adminFullLimitedNo access
Create a new survey
View a survey you’ve created
Edit a survey you’ve created
View all surveys and results
Edit all surveys

Not sure what permission level to give for each product? Here’s our recommendation based on role and responsibilities:

Product adminLimited
HireRecruiters; HR leadersHiring managers
InspireManagers; HR leadersEmployees
DesignL&D leaders; HR leaders; managersEmployees
DiagnoseHR leadersManagers

Note: These are just recommendations. We encourage you to review each access level and choose the permissions that best align with your team’s needs.

What exactly does “no access” do?

The “no access” product permission prevents an employee from being able to use that specific product. It also prevents the employee from signing up for a free trial for a PI product your organization isn’t currently subscribed to.

If an employee has limited access to Inspire, but no access to Hire, here’s what they’ll see when they try to access Hire:

Assigning “no access” is similar to not granting access at all to a specific product. So, if you grant someone access to a product, but later decide to retract that access, you can do so by setting their access to “no access.”

Note: Want to revoke a person’s access to the entire PI platform? You can do so by archiving that employee.


What’s the easiest way to see someone’s access levels?
The easiest way is from the Employee access settings page within Administration. To get there:

1. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar.

2. Select “Employee access settings” on the left-hand side.

Once on the page, you can see which people have access to different PI products, along with their specific access levels.
I don’t see full access for PI Hire or PI Inspire. Why? 
To streamline permissions, full access has been phased out of PI Hire and PI Inspire. 

In place of full access, we recommend you grant either limited access or admin privileges based on the following criteria:

PI Hire

Limited: (Recommended for hiring team.) Has access to Hire, but can only see Jobs shared with them.

Admin: (Recommended for recruitment team.) Has full visibility and edit access to all Jobs and Candidates.

PI Inspire

Limited: (Recommended for non-managers.) Can invite users, but can’t edit other users’ information or access.

Admin: (Recommended for managers.) Can invite users and manage user access.
I can’t view or edit a certain Job in PI Hire. How do I get access?
To view or edit a particular Job in PI Hire, you must either:

– Be given admin privileges by an existing admin. (This will let you view and edit all Jobs.)

– Ask an admin to share the Job with you with either View or Edit access. (This will only give you access to this particular Job.)
What permissions do third-party users have?
How do I remove a person’s access to a specific product?
To remove someone’s access to a particular product, set their access level to “no access.”
If someone has “no access” to all the products, can they still log in?
Yes. Someone with “no access” still has PI software credentials, and can still view the employee directory.

To revoke someone’s PI software access, archive that employee.
How do I remove a person’s access to the PI software?
To revoke someone’s PI software access, archive that employee.

Additional support

Do you still need support? Contact us here.

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