
Creating and managing folders

Looking for an easy way to organize employees and jobs? You can do so by creating and managing folders.


How do folders work?

Folders allow you to organize employees and jobs according to different categories. For example: You could create dedicated folders for individual recruiters, or organize folders by job function (marketing jobs, engineering jobs, etc.).

Folders also help you manage job access. By giving employees access to certain folders, you allow them to view and edit any jobs associated with that folder. Likewise, employees who don’t have access to a particular folder will not be able to view or edit jobs within that folder.

For more on folders, hop to a specific section of this article:

How to create a new folder

  1. Log in to the PI software.
  2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 
  1. You will land on the People tab within Administration.
  2. Select the Folders tab.
  1. Click “Add a folder.”
  1. Enter the folder name.
  2. (Optional) Select a parent folder in which to nest this folder.
  3. (Optional) Click “Add another folder” for additional new folders.
  1. Confirm by clicking “Save changes.”
  1. Your folders will populate in alphabetical order.

Viewing folder contents

At any time, you can click on a folder name to view its contents.

Under the Jobs tab, you will see a list of all jobs associated with this folder.

Click on a job title, and you will be brought to the relevant job page within Hire.

Note: You will only see the Jobs tab if your company is subscribed to Hire.

Under the Employees tab, you will see a list of all employees associated with this folder.

Click on an employee name, and one of the following will occur:

  • A panel will open showing a summary of their behavioral profile.
  • You will be brought to a detailed summary of their profile within Inspire.

Note: The latter only occurs when you click on someone who has been invited to Inspire.

How to grant folder access

You can grant folder access from one of two different places. Follow the instructions that best align with your current needs:

  1. The Folders tab (suggested if you want to make one folder accessible to multiple employees at once)
  2. The People tab (suggested if you want to grant one employee access to multiple folders at once)

From the Folders tab within Administration:

  1. Click the ellipsis icon () next to the folder whose access you’d like to edit.
  1. Select “Edit folder access” from the available options.
  1. Add the name or email of any employee(s) you’d like to grant folder access to.
  1. Confirm by clicking “Save changes.”

From the People tab within Administration:

  1. Select Employee Access Settings on the left-hand side.
  1. Search for the person whose folder access you’d like to edit.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon () on the right-hand side. 
  1. Select “Edit employee details” from the available options.
  1. You will land on a page titled “Edit employee record.”
  2. Scroll down until you see an option titled “Folder Job access.”
  3. Click to expand this setting.
  1. Select the folder(s) you’d like to give this employee access to.
  2. Confirm by clicking “Save changes” at the bottom of the page.

Note: You will only see the “Folder Job access” setting for Hire limited users.

How to remove folder access

From the Folders tab within Administration:

  1. Click the ellipsis icon () next to the folder whose access you’d like to edit.
  1. Select “Edit folder access” from the available options.
  1. Select “Remove” next to any employee(s) with existing access you’d like to revoke.
  1. Confirm by clicking “Save changes.”

Note: If a person has “inherited” access from a parent folder, you must remove their access from that parent folder to remove their access here.


Folder structure

Is there a limit to the number of levels I can nest folders?
You can nest up to 20 levels of folders.
Can I edit an existing folder’s name or parent folder?
Yes. To do so:

1. Log in to the PI software.

2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 

3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.

4. Select the Folders tab.

5. Click the ellipsis icon () next to the folder you’d like to edit.

6. Select “Edit folder” from the available options.

7. (Optional) Change the existing folder name.

8. (Optional) Change the existing parent folder.

9. Confirm by clicking “Save changes.”
Why can’t I remove “X” person’s folder access?
That person has likely “inherited” the folder access from a parent folder.

To remove their access:

1. Log in to the PI software.

2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 

3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.

4. Select the Folders tab.

5. Click the ellipsis icon () next to the folder whose access you’d like to edit.

6. Select “Edit folder access” from the available options.

7. Verify that you’re looking at the relevant parent folder. (You’ll see that the employee has “direct” access as opposed to “inherited” access.)

8. Select “Remove” next to their name

9. Confirm by clicking “Save changes.”

Adding jobs to folders

How do I add jobs to folders?
There are a few ways to add jobs to folders:

1. You can add jobs to folders right from Hire.

2. You can add uncategorized jobs to folders using the Uncategorized jobs page within the Folders tab.

3. You can reassign categorized jobs by clicking into a specific folder. (See the next FAQ answer.)
How do I view/reassign jobs that are currently within a folder?
To view jobs within a given folder:

1. Log in to the PI software.

2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 

3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.

4. Select the Folders tab.

5. Click directly on the name of the folder whose jobs you wish to view. 

6. Select the “Jobs” tab within that folder.

7. You will see a list of jobs, along with the date they were “last modified” within this folder.

To reassign jobs within a given folder:

1. Complete the steps above.

2. Click the box(es) to the left of the job(s) you’d like to reassign.

3. Select the dropdown box labeled “Bulk move – select folder.”

4. Select the desired folder from the options.

5. Click the “Confirm” button.

6. The job(s) will be moved to the selected folder.
What are uncategorized jobs?

Adding employees to folders

How do I add employees to folders?
There are a few ways to add employees to folders:

1. You can add employees to folders from the Employee directory.

2. You can add uncategorized employees to folders using the Uncategorized employees page within the Folders tab.

3. You can reassign categorized employees by clicking into a specific folder. (See the next FAQ answer.)
How do I view/reassign employees who are currently within a folder?
To view employees within a given folder:

1. Log in to the PI software.

2. Click the gear icon () in the top-right of the navigation bar. 

3. You will land on the People tab within the Administration page.

4. Select the Folders tab.

5. Click directly on the name of the folder whose jobs you wish to view. 

6. Select the “Employees” tab within that folder.

7. You will see a list of employees, along with the date they were “last modified” within this folder.

To reassign employees within a given folder:

1. Complete the steps above.

2. Click the box(es) to the left of the employee(s) you’d like to reassign.

3. Select the dropdown box labeled “Bulk move – select folder.”

4. Select the desired folder from the options.

5. Click the “Confirm” button.

6. The employee(s) will be moved to the selected folder.
What are uncategorized employees?

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