
Downloading a candidate’s Self-Concept

Looking to view a candidate’s Self-Concept? You can access that data by downloading that person’s candidate insights packet.

What is the Self-Concept?

The Self-Concept illustrates how a candidate perceives the external demands of their current work environment. By comparing a candidate’s Self-Concept to their Behavioral Pattern (i.e., their “Self”), hiring teams can better understand how comfortable this person felt in a past or existing role.

For example: If someone’s Self and Self-Concept are completely misaligned, it likely means they struggled to leverage their natural behavioral strengths in their previous role. To take action on this data, you could add questions to the Interview Builder to dig into that misalignment and gauge whether the role at your organization may be a better fit.

Some questions you might consider asking:

  • How would you describe your experience at your previous (or current) job?
  • Do you feel like your previous (or current) job responsibilities allowed you to exercise your natural strengths? Why or why not?
  • If you could change one aspect of your previous (or current) role, what would it be and why?

While never a reason to select or exclude a candidate, the Self-Concept is a valuable data point to consider as part of your evaluation process.

Learn more about the Self and Self-Concept.

How to download a candidate’s Self-Concept

  1. Log in to PI Hire.
  2. You’ll land on the Hiring Center.
  3. Select the relevant job from the list.
  4. Click the Candidates tab.
  5. Select the candidate whose Self-Concept you wish to download.
  6. Click the ellipsis button () next to the person’s name.
  7. Select “Download full insights packet” from the available options.
  8. The candidate’s insights packet will automatically download.
  9. Open the PDF file once it has finished downloading.
  10. You’ll find the Self-Concept on page 10 of the PDF.


I can’t find the intended candidate. Why?
It’s possible you don’t have permission to view that job. To gain access, ask someone with existing access to share the job with you.
Is it possible to view my own Self-Concept? A co-worker’s?
Yes. You can view your own (or a peer’s) Self-Concept within Inspire.

Additional learning

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