Behavioral Targets

Creating your own Behavioral Target

PI Hire lets you build your own Behavioral Target for a role. This option is particularly helpful if you know exactly what behavioral traits a candidate needs to succeed.

How to create a Behavioral Target

If you’re creating a new Job

  1. From the Hiring Center, select the Create New Job button.
  2. Enter the job title, then click Continue.
  3. On the left-hand side, select Create your own. 
  4. Choose between six and 14 characteristics that are critical to success in this job.
  5. Select Save and Continue.
  6. Your Job will be created, and your Behavioral Target will populate based on your selections.

If you’re editing an existing Job

  1. Select a Job from the Hiring Center. 
  2. On the left-hand side, select Create your own. 
  3. Choose between six and 14 characteristics that are critical to success in this job.
  4. Select Save and Continue.
  5. Your Behavioral Target will populate based on the PI benchmark.

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